Does your business blog need new content weekly?

October 5, 2017
Blogging, Content marketing

*Updated Jan 2019*

When I first posted this blog, I was convinced that weekly blogs were the way to go. In fact, I spent most of 2018 posting blogs consistently, every single week. And that strategy worked great for me for awhile.

But it was hard to keep up. I got a lot of work (yay!) and my strategy shifted to posting longer, more in-depth blogs less often. Now I post around once or twice a month.

So, should you blog weekly?

Maybe. Maybe not. It depends on your business, your audience your industry, and your resources. If you can get a return on investment, then blog as often as you can! If you’ve got the time and/or money to pay a copywriter to get those results for you, then DO IT! There are lots of benefits to regular blogs, like:

  • Posting fresh content shows that you’re still alive
  • Social media is hungry for fresh content (and better still if it’s fresh off your blog)
  • It gives you something to talk to your email list about
  • It makes Google like you (as long as your blog is quality, useful, and technically sound)
  • Content is King, but consistency is key
  • It sells you without selling
  • It’s an investment and asset you can benefit from over and over again
why blog weekly

Ready to start blogging regularly? Jump in and start NOW!

And whether it’s weekly, twice weekly, fortnightly, or monthly… try to make it consistent.

Happy blogging 🙂


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