people consultancy


I created thought leadership content and staff profiles for Mapien.


B2B Consulting


Content Writing
LinkedIn Content

About the Client

Mapien is known as Australia’s most trusted specialist people consultancy, offering services in industrial relations, workplace strategy, workplace psychology, immigration, and psychological health and safety.

Project #1

The marketing manager at Mapien reached out to me for support with several content projects. 

Initially, I created a staff profile (short and long versions) and a refreshed LinkedIn profile for the company’s CEO. These profiles would be used and adapted for the website, speaker profiles, and proposals. I really enjoyed the opportunity to tell the story of her career, while tying in the company’s story and capturing her personality. 

Project #2

After finishing the profiles, I was tasked with planning a series of blog articles based on a popular whitepaper/resource produced by the in-house team of workplace psychologists. The goal for this project was to help support the team to produce regular content that positioned Mapien as experts in their field — while keeping the brand voice consistent.

Each article focused on a different leadership or coaching model, with a final wrap-up article.

Before drafting each article, I conducted keyword research to determine the best opportunities available for the topic. Then I worked to expand on the topic for each blog, building on the higher level details in the whitepaper. Typically, blogs were structured with an attention-grabbing intro, definitions, why it works, and a step-by-step process to applying the model. With each piece, I sourced stock images and recreated the frameworks/diagrams as simple infographics to match Mapien’s brand style.

I’ve always been a bit of a business/leadership geek (since I fell into the world of business in my early 20s!) so I loved getting the chance to learn about the various coaching models while reading and writing about them.