
Healthcare Logic

I collaborated with the SystemView (Healthcare Logic) team across a variety of projects.


B2B Tech & Software


Brand Voice
Case Studies
Content Writing
Email Content
Website Copy

About the Client

Healthcare Logic is a Gold Coast based company that creates hospital software that helps health leaders and clinicians visualise, monitor, and improve performance. They’re best known for SystemView, software that integrates source data and transforms it into visualisations, charts, and insights for monitoring and decision making.

Healthcare Logic copywriting portfolio sample

The Initial Project

SystemView’s customer success team initially contacted me for support with creating Tone of Voice guidelines and templates to help their team confidently communicate with customers and users. 

To create the Tone of Voice guidelines for SystemView, I conducted a lot of research into the brand, product, audience, competitors, and keywords. I also put together Voice of Customer surveys – one for the internal team, and one for existing customers. This helped me to understand how to describe the product (software vs platform), what the company’s style is (formal vs relaxed), why people start using the product, and how it compares to other solutions. 

After finalising the TOV, I then created a series of templates, including the monthly email newsletter, release note email, product launch email, event invite email, onboarding emails, re-engagement email, go-live email, and UAT email. Each template included a list of best practice tips and guidelines. I also wrote bios for each of their customer success social media pages.

Healthcare Logic copywriting portfolio sample

Bigger Projects

Our initial projects soon evolved into a long-term working relationship and some much bigger projects.

Something that I don’t often get to do (despite writing for a lot of software companies!) is get access to a demo. Fortunately, the SystemView team was able to set me up with a demo account, which was invaluable for understanding how the product works (it’s quite intricate and layered!) and getting screenshots to accompany some of the content.

The SystemView team decided to create an academy or digital experience platform — a very exciting new project with a vision to create a global network of hospital professionals and SystemView users. They were already in talks with agencies to handle the technical and UX side of things, but knew that something of this scale would need a lot of content — especially in the beginning before users would (hopefully) start to generate content and contribute. I was delighted when the team asked me to be involved in planning and writing this content!

Initially, we spent a lot of time looking at different organisations that operate in this space. We needed to understand how to structure the user experience and organise the content (a digital experience platform is quite a complex undertaking!). Hubspot was a major inspiration, with their Hubspot Academy.

We planned engaging and useful topics spread out across key pillars, incorporating a variety of formats, including longer form guides, whitepapers, case studies, toolkit resources, stories, and shorter form articles. We also needed to plan foundational/core copy that would support the user experience across the academy website itself, in line with the agency’s wireframes. Plus, create content to promote the academy and onboard new members.

We also worked hard to stay organised, with such a large volume of content to coordinate, and quite a few stakeholders involved in planning, briefing, and reviewing the content. A colour-coded spreadsheet was a key tool we used to track what content we had planned, in progress, and completed. And my key contact and I collaborated inside shared Google drive folders that kept all the content organised by category.

Healthcare Logic copywriting portfolio sample

I enjoyed chatting to a number of internal stakeholders that had deep expertise in hospital performance, waitlists, models of care, scheduling, and risk. This allowed me to create content that wasn’t just backed by research, but written from a truly clinical perspective — and focused on issues that mattered to our audience.

Towards the end of the project, we realised that the Healthcare Logic website would also need an update in conjunction with the Academy. Both brands needed to be strong and make sense together! So, I ended up writing website copy for Healthcare Logic’s main website, including a number of product landing pages and the about page.

This project really challenged me in all sorts of delicious ways. I loved getting to dive deep into the world of hospital analytics, and being part of an incredible vision to create a global community of knowledge sharing among healthcare workers!