Blogging for business: a short survey

April 13, 2018

Please give me a few minutes of your time and fill out my (first ever!) survey on blogging for business. My goal is to get at least 100 responses before I share the results here. I plan to publish the results by mid-2018. 🙂

Do my quick survey on blogging for business…

Oh – and once you’re done, scroll down to the bottom as I have something for you as a thank you 🙂

If you prefer to complete this survey in a separate window via Google forms, click here  (if you’re on mobile, this might be easier than trying to use the embedded form below).

Purpose: this survey will help me identify…

  • What results business owners are getting from their blogs
  • The biggest struggles that stop some businesses from getting started
  • Standard blog lengths and time spent blogging (and if this correlates to better results)
  • Posting frequency
  • How writers can better serve/help businesses who outsource their blog writing
  • Emerging trends in blogging

My thank you gift to you…

Obviously I’m asking a BIG favour here. You’re busy and your time is worth something. So, in return, I’d love to give you something back. So if there’s anything I can help you with, please just ask. I can:

  • Look over a paragraph of copy on your website
  • Check a short description on your Facebook page
  • Provide general feedback on a blog or web page you’ve written
  • Leave a comment on your latest Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram post
  • Give you a quick idea to improve your business/website
  • …or anything.

Just send through the details and as long as it doesn’t take me more than 10 minutes and doesn’t involve anything illegal or unethical (gotta cover myself here!), I’ll happily help you out! After you’ve filled out the survey, pop your request in below and I’ll get onto it quick-smart (unless I am unexpectedly swamped!).

I’m so grateful for your help and look forward to sharing these results so we can all learn more and improve our blogging.

Angela 🙂

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