Meet Your Copywriter

Brisbane Based & Good With [Written] Words
I’m a B2B copywriter and content writer based in Brisbane, Australia. But you can call me Angela (or Ange if you can’t fight the Australian urge to shorten everything).
About me

The Short Version

I could tell you my life story, but I suspect that what you really want to know is…
Who I Write For
What I Write
How I Write

Most of my clients are B2B tech brands, business consulting firms, or complex/technical service providers.

Head to my portfolio to see a sample of what I write, and who I’ve written for.

I write the words you read on websites. That includes website copy (home, about, services, etc.), blog articles, case studies, and downloadable eBooks and whitepapers. I also write email copy and LinkedIn content — and offer support with content strategy, SEO strategy, and brand messaging.

My approach is thoughtful and purposeful. I put myself in your audience’s shoes to connect with them. I believe every piece of content should be strategic, useful, and well-written — so that it can do the job it needs to do. Whether that’s visibility, conversions, engagement, or something else.

Why work with me

Why Clients Choose Me (Again and Again)

People usually reach out because my naturally conversational writing style matches what they’re looking for. Then we chat to find out if we’re a good fit based on process, availability, and budget.

Most of my clients work with me on an ongoing basis. Why do they keep coming back? I take the time to understand what they do, write in a way that connects with their audience, and help their brand show up in search. Plus, I’m super low-maintenance (I think!).
Angela Rodgers smiling outside
More about me

The Longer Version

Still reading? Oh, well perhaps you *do* want a bit of my life story…
How I Got Into Copywriting
My Likes and Loves
My Values and Beliefs

Fresh out of uni (Bachelor of Communication 👩‍🎓), I got my first gig from a regular customer at Maccas. I went from Drive-Thru chick to marketing manager at a startup in just a few days!

After a taste of small biz, I wanted more. So I started my own boutique digital marketing agency when I was just 21.

I’ve always loved writing (nerd alert!). So when maternity leave gave me the chance to pivot, I shifted my focus to copywriting and content writing. A little while later, I landed on my current specialty — B2B & tech. It was (and still is) a natural fit for my brain.

I’m married to my high-school sweetheart and we’ve collectively produced two verrrrry energetic little boys (est. 2015 & 2017).

Together we work from home — me as a copywriter, and Stew as a web designer (we also work on projects together at The Digital Brew).

I am the most introverted person you will (n)ever meet. My best thinking and writing happens after the rest of the world goes to bed, so clients are used to hearing from me at odd hours.

In my spare time, I enjoy day tripping up the mountains, op shopping, sewing, crocheting, creating the BeSt SpOtIfY pLaYliStS, inhaling a good fantasy series, reading junior fiction to my kids, and baking anything with chocolate in it.

The most important thing is that I’m a follower of Christ. Don’t worry, I won’t email you Bible quotes…. unless you want me to. But it does mean if you’re looking for someone to write about something that doesn’t align with my faith, I’ll lovingly tell you thanks, but no thanks.

You should hire a copywriter who believes in your offer and wants to help you get it out there. If that’s not me, I’ll brave the awkwardness and recommend a more suitable writer.

Also, I strongly believe that fake nails are disgusting and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Let's Work Together

Want Me to Write Your Copy?

Let's set up a chat. I look forward to hearing about you, your business, and the project you've got planned.
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