5 Blog Writing Styles to Try At Least Once

June 3, 2018

It can be easy to get into a blogging rut, using the same old format every time you write. Sure, if your current blog writing approach is working for you and your audience, then keep going. But if you’re finding yourself a bit bored, uninspired, or your traffic/conversions are declining, I’d encourage you to try something new.

Here are five blogging styles or approaches you probably haven’t tried yet:

Write a letter

The letter format can really work for some audiences. It can feel like a more personal approach. You could write a letter to your audience, your past-self, your future-self, an anonymous client/customer, a competitor, etc. The topic could range from love/appreciation/encouragement to story-telling or even annoyance.

Share a rant

I see this one work SO well, depending on the industry. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your passion and knowledge, and hopefully generate some discussion among your readers.

Include other media formats

You don’t have to “write” everything that appears in your blog. I would encourage you to include as many other formats as you can, such as audio clips, videos, images, galleries, GIFs, embedded social media posts, infographics, and more.

Share a stats report

Chances are, you’re already collecting a bunch of valuable data in your business without even realising it. Information about your products, industry, and customers could all be repurposed into a report that a lot of people would find interesting. If nothing else, sharing details about how your business is going (from increasing customers/sales to actual financial data) is nearly always interesting, especially if your audience includes other businesses.

Get personal

If your blog is business focused, I’d recommend you change things up a little and include more of your personal touch – your story, pictures, and even your unique sayings will help you connecting with your audience.

blog writing styles

So, those are my slightly “out there” blogging ideas. I wouldn’t be surprised if these kept trending upwards for the next few years, as more people get creative with their blogs and learn the type of content to best connect with their audience.

Over to you… what unique blog ideas have you been using or seeing lately? I’d love to know!



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